Media Netwerk AS
Sale to NEP Group Inc.
Saga Corporate Finance advised the minority shareholders of Media Netwerk in the sale to the parent company NEP Group Inc.
Media Netwerk has since establishment in 1997 achieved a leading position in the Nordic TV- and media industry. The company delivers services within TV, production, media and broadcasting. Media Netwerk is located at Oslo Broadcast Center in Oslo, Norway. Over the last years Media Netwerk has won several agreement with any of the largest players in the Nordic TV industry, among others NRK, Discovery, MTG og Warner Bros.
Media Netwerk is a leading supplier of technically advanced broadcasting services to the media industry
Commissioned by Media Netwerk AS
Mandate Sales mandate
Industry Media / Broadcasting Services
Employees 32
Media Netwerk is a leading supplier of advanced services to the Norwegian media industry. The company will after the transaction be fully integrated in the NEP Group and become an important part of the group’s international growth ambition in the global media industry.
Erik K. Treiborg, Partner