Trysilhusgruppen AS
Trysilhusgruppen AS sells minority stake to Awilhelmsen Capital Holdings
Saga Corporate Finance advised the owners of Trysilhusgruppen in the sale of a minority stake to Awilhelmsen Capital Holdings
Trysilhusgruppen (Trysilhus) was established in 1993 and is today a leading Norwegian residential housing developer. Over many years of perfection, the company has developed a standardised concept of building row-houses, and as of 2014 Trysilhus has taken the concept to also include apartment buildings and single family homes. Trysilhus is recognised by an efficient building process and good quality at affordable prices. The company has its head office in Drammen and employs approximately 160 people.
Trysilhusgruppen is one of Norway's largest residential housing developers, and since 1993 the company has delivered more than 2500 housing units to customers located in the eastern part of Norway.
Commissioned by Trysilhusgruppen AS
Mandate Sales mandate
Industry Residential development
Employees 160
It has been inspiring to work with the owners of Trysilhusgruppen. They all have passion and entusiasm for their company, and it was motivating to advise them in finding a strong partner in Awilhelmsen for further development of the company.
Anders Nordby, Associate